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What is Rogers 4830 Substrate?

Rogers 4830 PCB manufacturing. RO4830 thermoset laminates are well suited for price-sensitive millimeter wave applications, such as 76-81 GHz automotive radar sensors. RO4830 laminates can be fabricated using standard FR-4 processes and are intended for the cap layer on FR-4 multi-layer board designs commonly used in 76-81 GHz automotive radar sensor PCB applications.


  • Dielectric constant of 3.24
  • Excellent insertion loss of 2.2 db/in at 77 GHz
  • UL 94 V-0 flame retardant rating
  • Optimized filler, resin & glass composite system
  • Reverse treated smooth LoPro® copper foil


  • Significantly resistant to oxidation
  • Good laser drilling performance & consistent within sheet dielectric constant
  • Reduced overall cost of PCB manufacturing versus PTFE laminate options
  • Ideal for use in automotive radar sensor PCB applications

Rogers 4830 is a high-frequency laminate substrate employed in the realm of electronics, particularly for crafting RF (radio frequency) and microwave circuits. This material falls under the RO4000 series, a line of circuit materials developed by Rogers Corporation esteemed for their outstanding electrical performance, especially at higher frequencies.

Distinguished by a low dielectric constant (εr) and minimal loss tangent, Rogers 4830 substrate proves ideal for applications demanding superior signal integrity and minimal signal loss in the microwave frequency range. It finds common usage in the fabrication of antennas, amplifiers, couplers, and various components within communication systems and RF/microwave devices.

Engineers and designers favor Rogers 4830 due to its specific properties, including dielectric constant, loss tangent, and thermal stability. These attributes make it a preferred choice for applications operating in the gigahertz frequency range. This substrate caters to the stringent requirements of high-frequency applications prevalent in telecommunications and aerospace, offering a reliable solution for achieving optimal performance.

What functions does Rogers 4830 Substrate serve?

Rogers 4830 substrate dons a versatile hat, serving as the linchpin in an array of electronic applications, predominantly those involving the intricate dance of RF (radio frequency) and microwave circuits. Let’s unravel the multifaceted functions it gracefully performs:

High-Frequency Maestro: Picture Rogers 4830 as the virtuoso tailored for high-frequency exploits. It takes the lead in constructing circuits that gracefully navigate the GHz (gigahertz) frequency spectrum. Think communication systems, radar setups, and other realms where high-frequency prowess is non-negotiable.

Antenna Artistry: When it comes to crafting antennas, Rogers 4830 steps onto the stage with poise. Its low dielectric constant and negligible loss tangent become the brushstrokes, ensuring the masterpiece maintains signal integrity and avoids unnecessary signal loss.

Amplification Alchemy: In the realm of RF and microwave amplifiers, Rogers 4830 takes center stage, conducting the symphony of signal amplification with finesse, keeping losses at bay.

Coupler Choreography: For components like couplers and splitters that choreograph the movement of RF signals, Rogers 4830 is the choreographer, ensuring a seamless performance in communication systems.

Communication Systems Luminary: Picture Rogers 4830 as the unsung hero behind the scenes of various communication systems, particularly those in the wireless communication domain, where its high-frequency prowess shines.

Aerospace Odyssey: In the vastness of aerospace applications, Rogers 4830 finds its orbit. Its ability to handle high frequencies and maintain thermal stability makes it a trusted companion in the aerospace odyssey.

Testing and Measurement Virtuosity: Test and measurement equipment operating at high frequencies owe a nod of gratitude to Rogers 4830, as it becomes the backbone for their reliable performance.

Satellite Constellation Contributor: When it comes to satellite communication systems, Rogers 4830 plays a pivotal role, ensuring that the components meet the demanding requirements of high-frequency satellite transmissions.

In essence, Rogers 4830 substrate emerges as the silent hero, weaving its magic behind the scenes, ensuring that electronic components and systems perform at their peak in the world of high frequencies.

What are the different types of Rogers 4830 Substrate?

In the captivating lineup of high-frequency laminate materials within the RO4000 series from Rogers Corporation, Rogers 4830 shares the stage with a cast of distinguished counterparts. Let’s embark on a journey through this technological tapestry:

Rogers 4003C: If the mission is to minimize the loss of signals, enter Rogers 4003C. With a lower dielectric constant, it takes the spotlight in applications where signal fidelity reigns supreme.

Rogers 4350B: A heavyweight in thermal performance and low loss, Rogers 4350B steps into the ring for high-power applications, showcasing its prowess in scenarios demanding unwavering thermal stability.

Rogers 4000: This expansive family tree, boasting members like Rogers 4007 and Rogers 4010, unfolds a saga of unique characteristics. Each member caters to diverse dielectric constants, playing a key role in the intricate world of high-frequency applications.

Rogers 4845: Picture a substrate with improved dimensional stability and a lower coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE). Rogers 4845 enters the scene, addressing applications where precision and stability are the guiding principles.

Rogers 4350: A sibling to Rogers 4350B, this substrate joins the high-frequency narrative with low loss and high thermal conductivity. It becomes the ally in designs where the frequencies are tuned to the highest notes.

These substrates are not mere materials; they are protagonists in the story of high-frequency innovation. Tailored to meet the nuanced demands of designers and engineers, each substrate performs a unique dance, considering factors like dielectric constants, loss tangents, thermal properties, and the distinctive requirements of every application. Together, they compose a symphony, orchestrating technology’s harmonious tune in the quest for optimal performance.

How does Rogers 4830 Substrate relate to IC packaging?

Imagine Rogers 4830 substrate as the backstage maestro orchestrating the high-frequency drama within the intricate world of IC packaging. Here’s how it takes center stage:

High-Frequency Choreographer: Picture integrated circuits as dancers, moving to the rhythm of high frequencies. Rogers 4830 steps into the role of a choreographer in IC packaging, ensuring that the signals’ dance remains fluid and precise with its low dielectric constant and minimal loss tangent.

Wireless Communication Conductor: In the grand symphony of wireless communication, where integrated circuits play a crucial role, Rogers 4830 emerges as the conductor in IC packaging. Its high-frequency prowess becomes the guiding baton for seamless communication in mobile devices and communication infrastructure.

Antenna Integration Virtuoso: Communication systems demand a seamless blend of circuits and antennas. Rogers 4830 takes on the role of a virtuoso in IC packaging, providing a harmonious platform for antenna integration, ensuring efficient signal transmission and reception.

RF and Microwave Magician: For integrated circuits performing magic in the realms of RF and microwave applications, Rogers 4830 takes on the persona of a magician in IC packaging. Its enchanting characteristics work behind the scenes, minimizing signal loss and conjuring a captivating performance at higher frequencies.

Size-Conscious Artisan: As the stage for ICs becomes more confined, Rogers 4830 becomes the artisan, crafting a substrate that elegantly handles high frequencies while gracefully fitting within the compact spaces of modern electronics.

Thermal Maestro: Beyond the limelight of signals, Rogers 4830 understands the importance of keeping a cool ambiance. In the world of IC packaging, where thermal management is the silent conductor, its thermal stability takes the lead in orchestrating effective heat dissipation.

In this intricate play of technology, Rogers 4830 becomes the unsung hero, the backstage conductor ensuring that integrated circuits perform their high-frequency symphony with precision and grace.

Rogers 4830 PCB
Rogers 4830 PCB

What sets Rogers 4830 Substrate apart from regular PCBs?

Rogers 4830 substrate emerges as a distinguished player in the realm of circuit materials, setting itself apart from regular PCBs through a series of specialized features:

Dielectric Distinction: Unlike conventional PCB materials, Rogers 4830 boasts a lower dielectric constant. This is a critical factor for applications where minimizing signal loss and preserving signal integrity at higher frequencies is paramount.

Low Loss Legacy: The substrate proudly showcases a low loss tangent, signifying minimal energy loss as signals traverse through it. This feature is especially crucial in RF and microwave circuits where signal fidelity reigns supreme.

Thermal Fortitude: Offering commendable thermal stability, Rogers 4830 remains resilient across a spectrum of temperatures. This characteristic becomes pivotal in scenarios where temperature variations could impact circuit performance.

Gigahertz Grandeur: Tailored for high-frequency operations, Rogers 4830 stands in contrast to regular PCBs that may not be optimized for such demanding frequencies. Its prowess in the gigahertz range makes it ideal for applications requiring precision at higher frequencies.

Industry Specialization: Rogers 4830 finds its niche in specialized applications within industries like telecommunications, aerospace, and wireless communication. Its high-frequency performance caters to the stringent demands of these sectors.

Material Marvel: Crafted from a composition that includes woven fiberglass reinforced with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), Rogers 4830 embodies unique electrical and thermal properties, setting it apart from the more conventional materials used in regular PCBs.

Stability Sentinel: Exhibiting superior dimensional stability, Rogers 4830 ensures that the circuit maintains its structural integrity and accuracy, even when subjected to varying environmental conditions.

Precision Production: The manufacturing process of Rogers 4830 involves precision and meticulous control, distinguishing it from the more commonplace manufacturing processes used for regular PCBs.

In essence, Rogers 4830 substrate is not just a circuit material; it’s a specialized performer designed for scenarios where precision, reliability, and optimal performance at high frequencies take center stage.

What is the main structure and production technology of Rogers 4830 Substrate?

Rogers 4830 substrate, crafted for excellence in high-frequency applications, boasts a meticulously engineered structure and a sophisticated production process. Let’s delve into the tapestry of its main structure and the intricacies of its production technology:

Main Structure:

Woven Fiberglass Brilliance:

At its core, Rogers 4830 features a foundation of woven fiberglass reinforcement. This strategic use of fiberglass provides the substrate with mechanical robustness and unwavering dimensional stability.

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Elegance:

Woven into this structural ballet is the presence of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) resin. PTFE, celebrated for its exceptional electrical properties, low dielectric constant, and thermal resilience, plays a key role in defining the material’s high-performance character.

Ceramic Filler Flourish:

To enhance both electrical and thermal properties, the composition may include ceramic fillers. These fillers act as virtuosos, contributing to the precise control of dielectric constants and elevating the thermal characteristics of the substrate.

Production Technology:

Harmonious Material Preparation:

The production overture commences with the meticulous preparation of materials, where the woven fiberglass intertwines with the PTFE resin. This initial duet sets the stage for the substrate’s unique properties.

Layering Choreography:

Layers of prepared material engage in a ballet of stacking, forming the foundation for the substrate’s thickness. The layers, a symphony of fiberglass and PTFE, gracefully come together through lamination, where controlled pressure and temperature ensure a seamless bond.

Curing Sonata:

The substrate enters a curing sonata, where elevated temperatures become the conductor orchestrating the polymerization and cross-linking of the PTFE resin. This transformative process shapes the substrate into a stable and resilient form.

Machining Crescendo:

Following the symphonic act of curing, the substrate undergoes a crescendo of precision machining. Milling, drilling, and routing contribute to the substrate’s final dimensions and surface perfection, creating a masterpiece ready for the technological stage.

Quality Control Symphony:

Throughout this production symphony, stringent quality control measures are the conductors ensuring adherence to specifications. Electrical properties, dimensional accuracy, and overall performance undergo a thorough examination to guarantee excellence.

Finale Inspection and Packaging Prestige:

The grand finale sees the finished Rogers 4830 substrates in the spotlight. A final inspection, akin to the encore of a performance, confirms compliance with quality standards. Once applauded, the substrates take their place in the packaging, ready to embark on their journey to meet the demands of high-frequency applications.

In essence, Rogers 4830 substrate is not just a material; it’s a symphony of woven fiberglass, PTFE brilliance, and ceramic finesse, meticulously orchestrated through a production ballet that ensures excellence in the realm of high-frequency technology.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In which industries is Rogers 4830 PCB commonly applied?

Rogers 4830 PCB finds common usage in high-frequency domains, including wireless communication, aerospace, RF, and microwave circuits. Its reliability and signal integrity make it essential in industries with stringent high-frequency requirements.

How does Rogers 4830 differ from regular PCB materials?

Distinguishing itself, Rogers 4830 differs from regular PCB materials through its specialized composition tailored for high-frequency needs. Its low dielectric constant and exceptional thermal stability set it apart in applications where standard PCB materials may fall short.

What advantages does Rogers 4830 PCB bring to high-frequency designs?

Rogers 4830 PCB delivers benefits such as minimized signal loss, enhanced signal integrity, and stable performance at elevated frequencies. It becomes the material of choice for designers seeking precision in RF and microwave applications.

Can Rogers 4830 PCB effectively manage thermal challenges?

Yes, Rogers 4830 PCB is recognized for its high thermal stability. Its capability to efficiently dissipate heat makes it a reliable choice for applications where effective thermal management is a critical consideration.

Are there different variations within the Rogers 4830 PCB category?

Rogers 4830 belongs to the RO4000 series, a family of substrates with diverse characteristics. While Rogers 4830 is one variant, there are other grades within the series, each catering to specific performance requirements in various applications.

What factors should be considered in the design phase with Rogers 4830 PCB?

Designers should account for parameters such as dielectric constant, loss tangent, thermal stability, and application-specific needs. Attention to manufacturing processes and compatibility with other materials is vital for a successful design.

Is Rogers 4830 PCB compatible with standard fabrication processes?

Indeed, Rogers 4830 PCB aligns with standard PCB fabrication processes. However, its unique material properties may necessitate specialized handling and expertise, making it crucial to collaborate with manufacturers experienced in working with advanced materials.


In conclusion, Rogers 4830 substrate stands as a specialized and high-performance material, particularly prominent in the domain of printed circuit boards (PCBs). Its unique composition, featuring woven fiberglass, Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) resin, and sometimes ceramic fillers, sets it apart from regular PCB materials. This composition grants Rogers 4830 PCBs exceptional characteristics such as low dielectric constant, minimal loss tangent, and high thermal stability.

The production process of Rogers 4830 PCB involves a symphony of precision, from material preparation and layering to curing, machining, and rigorous quality control. Each step contributes to the creation of a substrate that excels in high-frequency applications, making it a preferred choice for industries such as wireless communication, aerospace, and RF/microwave circuits.

Designers and engineers appreciate Rogers 4830 PCBs for their ability to handle thermal challenges, reduce signal loss, and maintain signal integrity at elevated frequencies. The substrate’s compatibility with standard fabrication processes adds to its appeal, although expertise is often required for optimal handling.

In the intricate dance of technology, Rogers 4830 PCB takes center stage, offering a harmonious blend of precision, reliability, and high-frequency finesse. Whether it’s the woven fiberglass providing structural strength, the PTFE resin conducting electrical brilliance, or the ceramic fillers adding a touch of sophistication, each element contributes to the symphony of performance that defines Rogers 4830 PCBs. As industries continue to push the boundaries of high-frequency applications, Rogers 4830 remains a key player, orchestrating a technological performance that resonates with precision and excellence.

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