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What is Rogers 3035 PCB?

We are a Rogers 3035 PCB provider. Dk of 3.50 +/-.05Dissipation factor of .0015 at 10 GHzLow X, Y and Z axis CTE of 17, 17 and 24 ppm/°C, respectively. We produce Ultra-small pitch, ultra-thick sheet, high multilayer rogers boards from 2 layer to 50 layers.

RO3035 high frequency laminates are part of the RO3000® series of materials. These mechanically similar materials have differing dielectric constants (Dk) and allow designers to develop multi-layer board designs without warping or decreased reliability. RO3035 laminates provide design solutions for 5G, millimeter wave sub 6GHz and massive MiMo applications.


  • Dk of 3.50 +/-.05
  • Dissipation factor of .0015 at 10 GHz
  • Low X, Y and Z axis CTE of 17, 17 and 24 ppm/°C, respectively


  • Can be used in applications up to 30-40 GHz
  • Lower operating temperature and increased reliability in power amplifiers
  • Multi-site production, global availability
  • Available with rolled copper

Nestled within the extensive lineup of Rogers Corporation’s offerings, the Rogers 3035 PCB emerges as a specialized substrate, finely tuned to excel in the sophisticated domains of Radio Frequency (RF) and microwave applications. At its core, the Rogers 3035 PCB is a testament to purposeful design, intricately fashioned to deliver unparalleled electrical prowess and steadfast stability, meeting the stringent benchmarks of RF engineering.

Setting the Rogers 3035 PCB apart is its trifecta of virtues – a low dielectric constant and negligible loss tangent. These qualities elevate its standing in scenarios where the nuances of high-frequency considerations come to the forefront. Furthermore, the substrate flaunts a commendable blend of exceptional thermal resilience and unwavering dimensional uniformity, positioning it as a reliable asset for deployment in the intricacies of industrial landscapes. Through the manufacturing journey, the Rogers 3035 PCB seamlessly integrates with an array of conventional cutting and drilling methodologies, alongside avant-garde microfabrication techniques.

In practical application, the Rogers 3035 PCB finds its niche in the crafting of high-frequency circuit boards, antenna symphonies, radar orchestrations, and communication devices. Its pivotal role unfolds in ensuring an impeccable symphony of signal transmission performance across this diverse spectrum of applications. The design philosophy of the Rogers 3035 PCB echoes a commitment to precision, finely tuned to navigate the rigorous demands presented by high-frequency electronic devices, spanning the realms of wireless communication systems, satellite communication, and radar systems.

In summation, the Rogers 3035 PCB transcends the label of a mere circuit board substrate; it emerges as a purpose-built solution, intricately crafted to navigate the intricacies posed by high-performance RF and microwave applications. Its adaptability extends across diverse industries, offering steadfast solutions for the production of high-frequency electronic marvels.

Rogers 3035 PCB
Rogers 3035 PCB

What Characteristics Define Rogers 3035 PCB?

Rogers 3035 PCB distinguishes itself through a distinctive set of features, making it a prime choice for sophisticated applications, particularly in the realm of Radio Frequency (RF) and microwave technology. These defining attributes contribute to its reputation as an advanced substrate:

Subdued Dielectric Constant (Dk): At the heart of its design is a deliberately low dielectric constant, a pivotal element for applications that demand prowess at high frequencies. This characteristic minimizes signal loss, ensuring an efficient transmission of signals within RF circuits.

Minimal Loss Tangent (Df): The substrate proudly boasts a minimal loss tangent, signaling a penchant for attenuating signals with utmost frugality. This trait is crucial for preserving signal integrity and preventing undue energy dissipation, rendering it apt for high-frequency communication systems.

Thermal Resilience: Rogers 3035 PCB stands out for its exceptional thermal stability, maintaining its structural and electrical integrity across diverse temperature ranges. This quality is particularly critical in applications susceptible to temperature fluctuations.

Consistent Dimensional Integrity: The substrate upholds dimensional stability under varying conditions, ensuring precision in manufacturing and a dependable performance in the final electronic devices.

High-Frequency Prowess: Engineered to excel in high-frequency circuitry, Rogers 3035 PCB emerges as an optimal choice for applications such as antenna systems, radar setups, and communication devices navigating the intricacies of RF and microwave frequency bands.

Manufacturing Versatility: The material flexes its versatility, seamlessly integrating into various manufacturing processes, spanning from conventional cutting and drilling methods to the more sophisticated realms of microfabrication. This adaptability facilitates the production of intricate circuit designs.

Reliability Amid Complexity: By harmonizing robust electrical performance with stability, Rogers 3035 PCB asserts its reliability even in the intricacies of complex industrial environments. This reliability renders it suitable for an extensive array of electronic applications.

In essence, Rogers 3035 PCB isn’t just a substrate; it’s a purposeful solution, intricately designed to navigate the challenges posed by high-performance RF and microwave applications. Its array of features positions it as a preferred choice for those seeking excellence in the field.

In Which Fields Can Different Types of Rogers 3035 PCB Be Found?

Various renditions of Rogers 3035 PCB, each distinguished by its adept handling of high-frequency demands and precision engineering, play pivotal roles across diverse industries where seamless signal transmission and unwavering reliability are non-negotiable. Let’s explore the versatile applications where these distinct versions of Rogers 3035 PCB make their mark:

Wireless Communication Systems:

Rogers 3035 PCB takes center stage in sculpting components for wireless communication systems, influencing the design of critical elements such as base stations, transceivers, and antennas. Its presence ensures the effective and dependable processing of signals within these systems.

Satellite Communication:

Within satellite communication systems, Rogers 3035 PCB emerges as a linchpin, leveraging its innate high-frequency capabilities to facilitate reliable data transmission between ground stations and satellites.

Radar Systems:

Across diverse applications in military, aviation, and weather monitoring, Rogers 3035 PCB distinguishes itself with its low dielectric constant and low loss tangent, contributing to the precision required for intricate signal processing in radar systems.

Aerospace and Defense Electronics:

In the dynamic landscape of aerospace applications, encompassing avionics and defense electronics, the fusion of lightweight attributes and high-performance characteristics positions Rogers 3035 PCB as the material of choice.

Medical Electronics:

Rogers 3035 PCB assumes a pivotal role in medical electronics, leveraging its reliability and precision for devices that demand high-frequency signal processing. This includes applications in imaging equipment and diagnostic devices.

Test and Measurement Equipment:

Serving as a linchpin in high-frequency test and measurement equipment, Rogers 3035 PCB ensures pinpoint accuracy in signal processing and minimal signal loss, contributing to the precision required for accurate measurements.

Telecommunications Infrastructure:

Seamlessly integrating into the fabric of telecommunications infrastructure, Rogers 3035 PCB contributes to high-frequency circuitry in networking equipment and data transmission systems.

Automotive Radar Systems:

As radar systems become integral to automotive applications like collision avoidance and adaptive cruise control, Rogers 3035 PCB plays a foundational role in crafting radar modules.

Industrial Automation:

Within the intricate landscape of industrial automation, where high-frequency communication is paramount, Rogers 3035 PCB finds purpose in essential components such as sensors and control systems.

Consumer Electronics:

In specific niches within the consumer electronics spectrum, especially those demanding high-performance RF components, Rogers 3035 PCB finds integration. Its role becomes particularly pronounced in devices featuring high-frequency wireless connectivity.

In essence, the versatility and high-frequency expertise of Rogers 3035 PCB position it as an indispensable player across diverse industries, where the pursuit of reliable and efficient signal transmission stands as a cornerstone of technological advancement.

How Does Rogers 3035 PCB Differ from Traditional Package Substrate?

Rogers 3035 PCB sets itself apart from conventional package substrates through its specialized design and unique material composition tailored specifically for high-frequency applications. Let’s delve into the distinctive features that differentiate Rogers 3035 PCB from traditional package substrates:

Material Expertise:

Rogers 3035 PCB is meticulously crafted from advanced materials, including the RO3035™ laminates. These materials are chosen for their superior electrical and thermal properties, providing a performance edge over the more standard materials often found in traditional package substrates.

Dielectric Constants and Loss Tangents:

A key distinction lies in the dielectric constants (Dk) and loss tangents (Df). Rogers 3035 PCB is purposefully engineered to exhibit a low Dk and minimal Df, mitigating signal loss and ensuring efficient high-frequency signal transmission. This targeted design contrasts with traditional package substrates, which may not prioritize these specific characteristics.

High-Frequency Prowess:

Tailored for high-frequency applications, Rogers 3035 PCB excels in RF and microwave circuits. Its design and material properties are optimized for the challenges posed by higher frequencies, offering superior performance compared to traditional package substrates more suited for standard electronic environments.

Thermal Resilience:

Rogers 3035 PCB boasts impressive thermal stability, maintaining structural and electrical integrity across diverse temperature ranges. This resilience is a critical feature, especially in applications where temperature fluctuations are common. Traditional package substrates may not provide the same level of thermal robustness.

Dimensional Precision:

The dimensional stability of Rogers 3035 PCB is a result of meticulous engineering, ensuring precision during manufacturing and consistent performance in the final electronic devices. This level of dimensional consistency may not be as pronounced in traditional package substrates.

Versatile Manufacturing Integration:

Rogers 3035 PCB seamlessly integrates into various manufacturing processes, accommodating both conventional methods and advanced microfabrication techniques. This adaptability is a notable departure from traditional package substrates, which may be more limited in terms of manufacturing versatility.

Application Focus:

Rogers 3035 PCB finds its niche in applications where high-frequency performance is paramount, including wireless communication systems, radar configurations, and aerospace electronics. In contrast, traditional package substrates are often employed in general electronic packaging applications where high-frequency considerations are not the primary focus.

In essence, Rogers 3035 PCB emerges as a specialized solution, meticulously crafted to meet the exacting demands of RF and microwave applications, setting it apart as a high-performance alternative to traditional package substrates.

What Is the Manufacturing Technology and Structure of Rogers 3035 PCB?

Crafting Rogers 3035 PCB involves a meticulous choreography of specialized processes and materials, intricately designed to meet the nuanced demands of high-frequency applications. Let’s unravel the key elements in this manufacturing dance:

Material Mastery:

Rogers 3035 PCB relies on the finesse of specialized materials, often embodied in the form of RO3035™ laminates. These materials are expertly engineered with precise electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties, tailored for the intricacies of high-frequency circuitry.

Circuit Symphony:

The heart of the process lies in the design of the circuit, akin to orchestrating a symphony. Engineers compose a layout to minimize signal loss, navigate impedance variations, and conduct a harmonious performance that optimizes the overall efficiency of the PCB.

Substrate Ballet:

The chosen RO3035™ laminates undergo an elegant ballet of preparation and layering to create the substrate. Throughout this dance, strict control is maintained over critical parameters like dielectric constant (Dk) and loss tangent (Df) to harmonize with the design’s intricate requirements.

Copper Crescendo:

Copper, renowned for its conductivity, takes center stage as a cladding material onto the substrate. The crescendo builds as the thickness of these copper layers is carefully orchestrated to resonate with the design specifications.

Circuit Patterning Waltz:

The circuit pattern gracefully waltzes onto the copper layers through the artistry of photolithography. A photoresist is applied, the dance of exposure to light through a mask unveils the circuit pattern, and a developed performance reveals the desired traces.

Etching Rhapsody:

A chemical rhapsody unfolds in etching, elegantly removing excess copper. What remains is a refined composition of copper traces, conducting the pathways of the PCB with a symphonic precision.

Drilling Pas de Deux:

Precision drilling takes the stage for a pas de deux, crafting holes for through-hole components or vias. This dance establishes connections between different layers of the PCB, guided by the choreography of the circuit design.

Plating Ensemble:

A harmonious ensemble unfolds as drilled holes undergo plating. This collaborative effort ensures seamless electrical connectivity across different layers, a crucial step in the multi-layer PCB performance.

Surface Finish Flourish:

A final surface finish adds a flourish to the dance, shielding against environmental factors and facilitating the soldering performance during component assembly. The options include the golden flourish of immersion gold, the silver elegance of immersion silver, or the tin sophistication of immersion tin.

Quality Assurance Finale:

Stringent quality control measures take center stage for the grand finale. Advanced testing methodologies, including the precision of impedance testing and the nuanced analysis of signal integrity, ensure that the final product delivers a virtuoso performance in the realm of high-frequency applications.

The manufacturing dance and composition concerto of Rogers 3035 PCB epitomize a fusion of advanced materials, meticulous engineering, and a symphony of specialized processes—an opus finely tuned for superior performance in the intricate world of high-frequency applications.

Why Choose Rogers 3035 PCB?

Embracing Rogers 3035 PCB is a deliberate decision influenced by a myriad of factors that position it as the top-tier choice for high-frequency applications. Let’s embark on a nuanced exploration of the reasons prompting individuals and enterprises to gravitate towards Rogers 3035 PCB:

Precision in High-Frequency Terrain:

Rogers 3035 PCB transcends the conventional; it’s an instrument meticulously calibrated for high-frequency landscapes. With a low dielectric constant (Dk) and minimal loss tangent (Df), it excels in mitigating signal loss and orchestrating flawless signal transmission—a linchpin for RF and microwave circuits.

Unrivaled Material Excellence:

Anchored by the sophistication of RO3035™ laminates, the materials within Rogers 3035 PCB boast a repertoire of stellar electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties. This isn’t just about stability; it’s about unwavering performance in the face of diverse temperature ranges and demanding operational conditions.

Signal Attenuation Virtuosity:

The intrinsic low-loss characteristics of Rogers 3035 PCB assume the role of a virtuoso, masterfully mitigating signal attenuation. This is no mere feature; it’s a critical attribute in scenarios where signal integrity isn’t just a priority—it’s an unequivocal necessity, especially in the intricate realms of communication systems and aerospace electronics.

Dimensional Stability Symphony:

Precision isn’t a mere trait; it’s the defining feature of Rogers 3035 PCB. Its dimensional stability orchestrates a symphony of precision in manufacturing processes—a vital aspect where tolerances and dimensions play a pivotal role.

Thermal Resilience Ballet:

Rogers 3035 PCB takes center stage as a seasoned performer in a thermal ballet, delivering a symphony of thermal stability. Its ability to maintain structural and electrical properties across varying temperatures positions it as the lead choice for applications subjected to the unpredictable dance of temperature fluctuations.

Versatility Ballet in Manufacturing:

The versatility of Rogers 3035 PCB is akin to a ballet of possibilities in the manufacturing realm. It effortlessly integrates into various processes, from conventional methods to avant-garde microfabrication techniques. This flexibility doesn’t just empower; it’s a spectrum of options for designers during the production spectacle.

Industry-Tailored Composition:

Rogers 3035 PCB isn’t a generic off-the-shelf solution; it’s a composition finely tuned to the dynamics of industries where high-frequency prowess is not just a necessity but a non-negotiable demand. In domains like wireless communication systems, radar assemblies, and aerospace electronics, the nuanced properties of Rogers 3035 PCB align seamlessly with the industry’s specific orchestrations.

Reliability and Consistency Sonata:

The name Rogers Corporation echoes a legacy of excellence in laminate production, and Rogers 3035 PCB is a sonata in this symphony of reliability and consistency. Opting for this solution isn’t just a choice; it’s an overture of trust in electronic designs.

Cross-Talk Choreography:

Rogers 3035 PCB isn’t just about connections; it’s a choreography that minimizes cross-talk between traces. This isn’t a mere function; it’s a pivotal dance in the intricate ballet of high-density circuits, where the risk of signal interference is ever-present.

Adherence to Stringent Standards:

Rogers 3035 PCB materials don’t just meet industry standards; they often surpass them. This adherence to rigorous requirements isn’t a checkbox; it’s a beacon, guiding the way across sectors ranging from telecommunications to aerospace and defense.

In essence, the decision to embrace Rogers 3035 PCB is a symphony—an orchestrated masterpiece—comprising outstanding high-frequency performance, advanced material excellence, reliability, and adaptability to the intricate demands of diverse industries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

What sets Rogers 3035 PCB apart from standard PCBs?

Rogers 3035 PCB distinguishes itself with specialized RO3035™ laminates tailored for high-frequency performance. Its unique electrical properties make it stand out, particularly in applications requiring precision in signal transmission.

In which industries is Rogers 3035 PCB commonly utilized?

Rogers 3035 PCB finds prominent application in industries emphasizing high-frequency capabilities. Notable sectors include wireless communication systems, radar technology, and aerospace electronics.

Can Rogers 3035 PCB be employed in multi-layer designs?

Yes, Rogers 3035 PCB is versatile enough to accommodate multi-layer designs. Its compatibility with various manufacturing processes allows for the creation of intricate circuit structures with multiple layers.

What advantages does Rogers 3035 PCB offer for signal transmission in high-frequency applications?

Rogers 3035 PCB provides distinct advantages, including reduced signal loss, excellent dimensional stability, and enhanced thermal performance. These attributes collectively contribute to improved signal transmission and overall reliability in high-frequency circuits.

How does the consistent dielectric environment of Rogers 3035 PCB impact its performance?

The stable and consistent dielectric environment of Rogers 3035 PCB forms the foundation for maintaining signal accuracy. With a low dielectric constant and low loss tangent, signals traverse the circuit with precision, minimizing distortion.


In conclusion, Rogers 3035 PCB emerges as a specialized and essential solution tailored specifically for the demands of high-frequency applications. Leveraging advanced RO3035™ laminates characterized by a low dielectric constant (Dk) and minimal loss tangent (Df), this PCB variant establishes itself as a cornerstone for ensuring optimal signal integrity and reliability in contemporary electronic designs.

Beyond its material composition, Rogers 3035 PCB presents additional merits, including remarkable thermal stability, dimensional precision, and adaptability across various manufacturing processes. These qualities collectively position it as an indispensable asset in diverse industries, ranging from wireless communication systems to aerospace electronics, where the imperative for high-frequency performance prevails.

The provided FAQs offer a detailed exploration into the nuanced facets of Rogers 3035 PCB, addressing crucial elements such as unique features, application scenarios, and key considerations in procurement. As electronic design landscapes evolve and the demand for advanced high-frequency capabilities intensifies, Rogers 3035 PCB stands as a dependable and sophisticated choice, symbolizing the harmonious convergence of cutting-edge materials and meticulous engineering.

Whether seamlessly integrated into multi-layered designs, high-density layouts, or applications mandating strict adherence to industry standards, Rogers 3035 PCB transcends its role as a mere circuit board. It transforms into a symphony of precision, reliability, and adaptability, playing a pivotal role in facilitating the seamless transmission of signals within the dynamic tapestry of electronic technology.

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