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What is RT/duroid 6006 Substrate?

RT/duroid 6006 PCB maker. RT/duroid 6006 and 6010.2LM laminates provide high dielectric constants (Dk) to enable circuit size reduction. Both of these materials are low loss, ideal for operating at X-band or below. Additionally, their tight Dk and thickness control deliver repeatable circuit performance.


RT/duroid 6006 laminates

  • Dk of 6.15 +/- .15
  • Dissipation factor of .0027 at 10GHz
  • Clad with standard and reverse treated electrodeposited copper foil

RT/duroid 6010.2LM laminates

  • Dk of 10.2 +/-.25
  • Dissipation factor of .0023 at 10 GHz
  • Clad with standard and reverse treated electrode-posited copper foil


  • High dielectric constant for circuit size reduction
  • Low loss, ideal for operating at X-band or below
  • Tight εr and thickness control for repeatable circuit performance
  • Low moisture absorption
  • Reliable plated through-holes in multi-layer boards

Cavity Substrates exhibit a myriad of functionalities within electronic devices, introducing features that significantly impact their performance, efficiency, and aesthetics. Let’s delve into the diverse roles they play:

Tailored Component Shelter: Cavity Substrates are designed with precision, incorporating recessed areas to securely host specific electronic components. This meticulous arrangement ensures the safeguarding and optimal functionality of sensitive elements.

Heat Harmony: Strategically engineered cavities facilitate efficient heat dissipation. This is particularly crucial for electronic components prone to generating heat during operation, preventing overheating and maintaining an ideal thermal environment.

Interference Mitigation Mastery: By isolating certain components in dedicated cavities, these substrates act as shields, minimizing electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI). This meticulous approach enhances the overall electromagnetic compatibility of the device.

Elevated Signal Integrity: Cavity Substrates contribute to heightened signal integrity by providing controlled environments for specific components. This plays a vital role in reducing crosstalk and minimizing signal noise for enhanced overall performance.

Space Efficiency Symphony: The integration of recessed areas unleashes space optimization on the PCB, allowing for a more compact and streamlined design. This proves invaluable, especially in applications where spatial constraints are a critical consideration.

Design Artistry Unleashed: The existence of cavities provides designers with a canvas for creativity and innovation. It allows for the thoughtful and purposeful integration of components, contributing to the uniqueness and functionality of the electronic device.

Aesthetic Panache: Beyond functionality, Cavity Substrates add an aesthetic dimension to electronic devices. Carefully crafted recessed areas can enhance the visual appeal, contributing to the overall attractiveness of the product.

Structural Symphony: Cavities can be engineered not just for electronic considerations but also to provide mechanical support and structural reinforcement. This enhances the robustness and durability of the electronic device.

In essence, Cavity Substrates transcend mere circuit connectivity, assuming a pivotal role in component protection, thermal equilibrium, interference reduction, and the overall optimization of electronic device design with an artistic touch.

What is the Function of Rogers RT/duroid 6006 Substrate?

The RT/duroid 6006 substrate takes center stage as a pivotal component in the realm of printed circuit boards (PCBs), meticulously designed to meet the exacting demands of high-frequency applications. Let’s navigate through its diverse functions, each contributing to the seamless efficiency and reliability of electronic components in these sophisticated scenarios:

Precision in High-Frequency Domains: RT/duroid 6006 is finely tuned to thrive in high-frequency environments, establishing itself as the preferred choice for applications involving RF and microwave circuits. Its design is a testament to its ability to facilitate the smooth operation of signals at elevated frequencies.

Guardian Against Signal Loss: Standing out with a low dielectric loss, this substrate acts as a vigilant protector against signal attenuation. In high-frequency applications, where the fidelity of signals is paramount, this feature assumes a critical role in maintaining optimal performance.

Consistent Electrical Prowess: The substrate proudly showcases unwavering electrical properties across diverse temperatures and environmental conditions. This unwavering stability is a cornerstone, ensuring reliable performance under varied operational circumstances.

Structural Integrity Amidst Variability: RT/duroid 6006 excels in maintaining exceptional dimensional stability, guaranteeing that the PCB retains its structural integrity even in the face of temperature variations and environmental fluctuations.

Empowering Compact Circuit Designs: Leveraging its high-frequency capabilities, this substrate empowers designers to create circuits with a compact footprint. This proves invaluable in scenarios where spatial constraints demand the finesse of circuit miniaturization.

Seamless Transition to High-Speed Digital Arenas: Beyond RF and microwave applications, RT/duroid 6006 seamlessly transitions into the realm of high-speed digital circuits. Its low loss and stable characteristics become instrumental in preserving signal integrity, a non-negotiable requirement in high-speed data transmission scenarios.

Resilience in High-Temperature Crafting: Engineered to withstand the rigors of high-temperature manufacturing processes, RT/duroid 6006 stands resilient. It emerges as the substrate of choice for applications involving soldering and other processes subjecting it to elevated temperatures.

In essence, RT/duroid 6006 substrate emerges as a specialized maestro tailored for the intricacies of high-frequency PCB applications. Its low loss, unwavering electrical properties, and dimensional stability collectively contribute to the unfaltering and efficient performance of electronic components across diverse and challenging environments.

What Are the Different Types of RT 6006 Substrate?

RT/duroid 6006 PCBs boast a versatile array of types, each meticulously crafted to address unique design and performance considerations, meeting the diverse needs of applications. Here’s an exploration of the distinct variations in RT/duroid 6006 PCBs:

Solo Symphony – Single-Layer RT/duroid 6006 PCBs: With a lone layer of RT/duroid 6006 substrate, these PCBs are apt for simpler electronic circuits, where a singular layer of conductive material is all that’s needed to bring functionality to life.

Dance of Complexity – Double-Sided RT/duroid 6006 PCBs: Featuring conductive traces on both sides of the RT/duroid 6006 substrate, these PCBs allow for a choreography of intricate circuit designs and heightened component density, surpassing the simplicity of single-layer counterparts.

Harmony in Layers – Multi-Layer RT/duroid 6006 PCBs: Elevating the game with three or more layers of RT/duroid 6006 substrate, these PCBs are the virtuosos of complex circuit designs. They ensure improved signal integrity and a reduction in the interference ensemble.

Flex Elegance – Flexible RT/duroid 6006 PCBs: The flexibility maestros, these PCBs bend and sway gracefully, thanks to RT/duroid 6006 as the substrate material. They find their spotlight in applications where spatial constraints or specific form factors demand a flexible performance.

Rigid-Flex Duets – Rigid-Flex RT/duroid 6006 PCBs: The perfect blend of rigidity and flexibility, these PCBs use RT/duroid 6006 in the rigid sections. They bring a versatile performance to electronic devices that seek the nuanced interplay of stability and adaptability.

Frequency Virtuosos – High-Frequency RT/duroid 6006 PCBs: Fine-tuned for high-frequency operas, these PCBs shine in applications like RF and microwave circuits. Their low dielectric loss and ability to maintain signal integrity at soaring frequencies make them the virtuosos of the high-frequency stage.

Antenna Serenades – RF Antenna PCBs with RT/duroid 6006: Taking the lead in the design of PCBs for RF antennas, RT/duroid 6006 exhibits its prowess in high-frequency performance and low loss characteristics, ensuring a harmonious transmission and reception symphony.

Data Transmission Ballet – High-Speed Digital RT/duroid 6006 PCBs: Beyond the realms of RF, RT/duroid 6006 gracefully transitions into high-speed digital circuits. Its stable electrical properties take center stage, preserving the integrity of signals in the high-speed data transmission ballet.

In essence, these diverse types of RT/duroid 6006 PCBs form a symphony of options, offering flexibility and tailored performance to suit the nuanced requirements of electronic designs across a spectrum of applications.

RT/duroid 6006 PCB
RT/duroid 6006 PCB

How is Ro 6006 Substrate Related to IC Packaging?

The interplay between RT/duroid 6006 substrate and IC packaging unfolds as a nuanced alliance, particularly within the realms of high-frequency and RF applications. Let’s navigate this symbiotic relationship, unraveling how RT/duroid 6006 injects prowess into the art of IC packaging:

High-Frequency Synchrony: RT/duroid 6006, celebrated for its stellar high-frequency performance, takes the lead in IC packaging scenarios where the preservation of signal integrity reigns supreme. Its presence ensures a seamless orchestration with minimal signal loss, setting the stage for reliable high-frequency operations.

RF and Microwave Brilliance Encore: Stepping into the limelight, RT/duroid 6006 becomes the virtuoso in IC packaging designed for RF and microwave applications. Its high-frequency finesse positions it as the ideal choice, orchestrating a performance where RF and microwave harmony are non-negotiable.

Dielectric Ballet: In the intricate dance of dielectric properties crucial to IC packaging, RT/duroid 6006 performs with finesse, offering stability and unwavering consistency. This contribution becomes instrumental in shaping the overall performance and dependability of the packaged IC.

EMI Pas de Deux: High-frequency landscapes often echo with the challenge of electromagnetic interference (EMI). RT/duroid 6006 takes center stage as the guardian, wielding its low loss characteristics to minimize EMI and ensure a flawless performance of integrated circuits within IC packaging.

Thermal Pas de Trois: While not the prima donna of thermal management, RT/duroid 6006, in high-frequency applications, subtly influences thermal considerations. Its efficient operation in high-frequency domains contributes to a graceful balance, potentially reducing heat generation compared to conventional materials.

Digital Dynamics: Beyond the melodic tones of RF, RT/duroid 6006 finds resonance in the packaging of high-speed digital circuits. The stability of its electrical properties orchestrates a symphony, preserving signal integrity as data pirouettes swiftly within integrated circuits.

Design Sonata: RT/duroid 6006 substrate introduces a sonata of design flexibility in IC packaging. Designers take the baton, leveraging the substrate’s characteristics to craft a unique performance, optimizing the IC’s capabilities to suit the diverse requirements of different applications.

In essence, the synergy between RT/duroid 6006 substrate and IC packaging emerges as a refined composition. Whether leading the high-frequency overture, mitigating EMI discord, or offering a canvas for design virtuosity, RT/duroid 6006 enriches the reliability and performance of integrated circuits across a diverse spectrum of applications.

What Are the Differences Between Ro RT/duroid 6006 Substrate and Conventional PCB?

Embarking on divergent paths, RT/duroid 6006 substrate and conventional PCBs unfold their narratives on the electronic canvas, each contributing its unique material composition and performance nuances:

Material Marvel:

RT/duroid 6006 Substrate: Crafted with precision, RT/duroid 6006 emerges as a specialized blend, marrying ceramic-filled PTFE in a dance of high-frequency elegance. The ceramic infusion adds layers to its electrical and mechanical prowess.

Conventional PCBs: In contrast, the steadfast FR-4, a glass-reinforced epoxy laminate, takes the stage as the reliable companion for various electronic applications, adhering to the rhythm of cost-effectiveness.

High-Frequency Overture:

RT/duroid 6006 Substrate: Stepping into the limelight, RT/duroid 6006 orchestrates a high-frequency overture with finesse. Its low dielectric loss and unwavering electrical performance make it the virtuoso in RF and microwave circuits.

Conventional PCBs: Versatile and steadfast, conventional PCBs may not claim the same spotlight in high-frequency intricacies but hold their own, offering a reliable performance across a spectrum of applications.

Dielectric Symphony:

RT/duroid 6006 Substrate: A composition finely tuned, RT/duroid 6006 conducts a dielectric symphony, where its specific dielectric constant becomes the guiding note for signal propagation in high-frequency realms.

Conventional PCBs: In the conventional ensemble, materials like FR-4 contribute to the harmony with a dielectric constant suited for general applications, though potentially missing the precision required for high frequencies.

Loss Tangent Ballet:

RT/duroid 6006 Substrate: The performance unfolds as a ballet of low loss tangent, a delicate choreography ensuring minimal signal loss in the intricate dance of high frequencies.

Conventional PCBs: Amidst the conventional ensemble, materials may reveal a higher loss tangent, a note of comparatively higher signal attenuation in the grand orchestration.

Application Ensemble:

RT/duroid 6006 Substrate: Taking center stage in applications craving high-frequency brilliance — RF and microwave circuits, antennas, and the swift movements of high-speed digital realms.

Conventional PCBs: The versatile ensemble, finding resonance in a myriad of electronic devices, yet potentially relinquishing the specialized performance craved by high-frequency scenarios.

Cost Sonata:

RT/duroid 6006 Substrate: The allure of specialized performance comes at a cost, and RT/duroid 6006, the prima donna, may demand a higher price for its exquisite composition.

Conventional PCBs: The economical sonata, where materials like FR-4 strike a harmonious balance between performance and cost-effectiveness in the vast array of electronic productions.

In essence, RT/duroid 6006 substrate and conventional PCBs navigate divergent narratives, each contributing to the grand tapestry of electronic design. The choice between them hinges on the unique demands and harmonies of the electronic composition waiting to be unveiled.

What is the Main Structure and Production Technology of RT/duroid 6006 Substrate?

The foundational structure of RT/duroid 6006 substrate is intricately crafted to cater to the demands of high-frequency applications. Let’s delve into the composition and production techniques that define this substrate:

Base Material Ballet:

The performance begins with a base material fashioned from PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene), renowned for its stellar electrical insulating properties. This forms the canvas upon which the high-frequency symphony will unfold.

Ceramic Infusion Elegance:

Elevating the composition, a ceramic filler is introduced into the PTFE mix. This ceramic infusion becomes the virtuoso, enhancing dielectric constants and overall performance in the intricate dance of high frequencies.

Reinforcement Resilience:

To fortify the substrate, reinforcing elements enter the stage. Whether it’s the strength of fiberglass or other materials, these reinforcements provide the structural backbone, ensuring resilience during manufacturing and in the final electronic performance.

Copper Cladding Choreography:

The substrate takes on a dual role with the introduction of copper cladding on one or both sides. This copper layer becomes the conductor, setting the stage for the creation of intricate circuits. The thickness of this copper clad layer is orchestrated based on the specific needs of the application.

Production Symphony:

The production unfolds in a symphony of steps:

Mixing and Harmony: PTFE and ceramic filler dance together, creating a harmonious base material.

Lamination Elegance: The base material is gracefully laminated with copper foil, forming the conductive layers. This ballet may be a solo act or a duet, depending on the design intricacies.

Curing Crescendo: The material undergoes a curing process, solidifying its structure and setting the stage for the ensuing performance.

Etching Choreography: Unwanted copper is etched away, revealing the desired circuit patterns in an intricate dance of removal.

Surface Finishing Flourish: A final touch of surface treatment or finishing is applied, ensuring compatibility with assembly methods and enhancing overall performance.

Quality Control Overture:

Throughout this production symphony, the conductor of quality control guides the performance. Measures are meticulously taken to ensure the substrate meets the stringent criteria for dielectric constants, loss tangent, thickness, and other parameters.

In essence, the RT/duroid 6006 substrate emerges as a composition of precision, where PTFE, ceramics, and reinforcements dance together, and copper cladding adds the musical notes of conductivity. The production process is a symphony, orchestrated to create a substrate that harmonizes with the intricate demands of high-frequency electronic applications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does RT/duroid 6006 differ from conventional PCB materials?

RT/duroid 6006 differs from conventional PCB materials in terms of its optimized electrical characteristics for high-frequency applications. It has a higher dielectric constant and lower loss tangent.

What is the production technology of RT/duroid 6006 PCB?

The production technology involves preparing a PTFE substrate filled with ceramic materials, copper cladding, circuit patterning, surface finish application, and rigorous quality control. Specific details are proprietary to the manufacturer.

Can RT/duroid 6006 PCBs be used in high-temperature applications?

RT/duroid 6006 is not specifically designed for high-temperature applications. For high-temperature requirements, other materials like RT/duroid 6035HTC may be more suitable.

Is RT/duroid 6006 suitable for multilayer PCBs?

Yes, RT/duroid 6006 can be used in multilayer PCB constructions. It provides consistent electrical performance across different layers.

What are the advantages of using RT/duroid 6006 PCB?

The advantages include stable electrical performance at high frequencies, low signal loss, and suitability for applications demanding high signal integrity.

Can RT/duroid 6006 PCBs be used in 5G applications?

Yes, RT/duroid 6006 is suitable for 5G applications where high-frequency performance is crucial.


In conclusion, RT/duroid 6006 PCB stands out as a specialized solution for high-frequency and microwave applications, featuring a unique combination of properties such as high dielectric constant, low loss tangent, and stable electrical performance. Its use extends to RF circuits, microwave applications, antennas, and communication devices that demand precision at elevated frequencies.

The manufacturing process involves a carefully orchestrated sequence, including the preparation of a ceramic-filled PTFE substrate, copper cladding, circuit patterning, surface finish application, and stringent quality control measures. While not designed for high-temperature applications, RT/duroid 6006 PCB excels in scenarios where maintaining signal integrity is paramount.

Users frequently seek information about its applications, advantages over conventional PCB materials, and compatibility with emerging technologies like 5G. For the latest and most accurate details, consulting the manufacturer’s documentation, particularly from Rogers Corporation, is recommended. RT/duroid 6006 PCB remains a reliable choice for high-frequency circuitry, contributing to the advancement of various communication and electronic systems.

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