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What Exactly is RT/duroid 6002 PCB?

RT/duroid 6002 PCB Producer. RT/duroid 6002 laminates are low loss materials that provide excellent high frequency performance. With excellent mechanical and electrical properties, these materials are reliable for use in multi-layer board constructions.


  • Dielectric constant (Dk) of 2.94 +/- .04
  • Low thermal coefficient of Dk at 12 ppm/°C
  • Dissipation factor of .0012 at 10GHz
  • Low Z-axis coefficient of thermal expansion at 24 ppm/°C


  • Low loss for excellent high frequency performance
  • Tight thickness control
  • In-plane expansion coefficient matched to copper
  • Low out-gassing; Ideal for space applications
  • Excellent dimensional stability

Within the domain of printed circuit boards (PCBs), RT/duroid 6002 emerges as a luminary, finding its purpose in the specialized arenas of radio frequency (RF) and microwave applications. Its reputation rests on the bedrock of outstanding electrical properties, positioning it as the material of choice for circuits navigating the high-frequency landscape.

At its essence, RT/duroid 6002 PCB embodies a fusion of a modest dielectric constant and a negligible loss tangent. This dynamic duo plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the sanctity of high signal integrity, making it the preferred material for a spectrum of applications—ranging from antennas and RF amplifiers to microwave circuits and an array of high-frequency electronic devices.

Born from the ingenuity of Rogers Corporation, a trailblazer in the realm of avant-garde materials spanning diverse industries, RT/duroid 6002 carries the torch of reliability. PCBs fashioned from the fabric of RT/duroid 6002 are intricately designed to deliver unwavering and dependable performance, particularly in the intricate landscape of high-frequency applications where the preservation of signal integrity stands as the cornerstone.

What Remarkable Functions Does RT/duroid 6002 PCB Possess?

Embarking on the landscape of high-frequency electronics, RT/duroid 6002 PCB unfolds a tapestry of functionalities finely tuned for this dynamic realm. Let’s delve into its standout attributes:

Moderated Dielectric Constant: RT/duroid 6002 takes the lead with its controlled dielectric constant, strategically minimizing signal loss. This quality is instrumental in facilitating smooth signal transmission within the intricate web of high-frequency circuits.

Sleek Loss Tangent: The material dons a sleek loss tangent, playing a pivotal role in curbing signal attenuation. This becomes particularly significant in applications where the goal is to curtail signal distortion, ensuring a pristine transmission quality.

Elevated Signal Purity: The orchestrated interplay between the moderated dielectric constant and sleek loss tangent elevates signal purity. RT/duroid 6002 emerges as the preferred choice for applications demanding not just accuracy but unwavering reliability in the transmission of high-frequency signals.

Precision Crafted for RF and Microwave Realms: RT/duroid 6002 undergoes meticulous crafting, tailored for excellence in radio frequency (RF) and microwave applications. Its electrical properties are a symphony, precisely harmonized to meet the rigorous demands of these high-frequency domains.

Reliability Woven In: PCBs born of RT/duroid 6002 weave a narrative of reliability, delivering consistent and dependable performance over the course of time. This reliability becomes a linchpin in applications where maintaining a steadfast and trustworthy signal quality is of utmost importance.

Versatility Unleashed: The material finds its way into an array of electronic devices, from antennas to RF amplifiers and microwave circuits. Its versatility positions it as the material of choice, adapting seamlessly to the diverse spectrum of high-frequency electronic components.

In essence, RT/duroid 6002 PCB unfurls its prowess with a moderated dielectric constant, sleek loss tangent, and elevated signal purity—establishing itself as a stalwart solution for the intricate demands of high-frequency applications.

What Different Types of RT/duroid 6002 PCB Exist?

The RT/duroid 6002 PCB family unfolds like a versatile orchestra, offering an array of compositions to suit the intricate demands of electronic applications. Let’s explore the symphony of types:

Solo Elegance – Single-Layer RT/duroid 6002 PCB: Embracing simplicity with a single layer of RT/duroid 6002 material, this type caters to applications where a singular conductive layer suffices.

Duet Dynamics – Double-Layer RT/duroid 6002 PCB: Stepping into complexity, this type features two layers of RT/duroid 6002 material, separated by a dielectric layer. Perfect for circuit designs that dance with intricacy, demanding additional routing or components.

Multilayer Harmony – Multi-Layer RT/duroid 6002 PCB: Unveiling a symphony of layers, these PCBs boast three or more layers of RT/duroid 6002 material, interwoven with dielectric layers. Crafted for the crescendo of high-density and sophisticated electronic circuits.

Flex Crescendo – Flexible RT/duroid 6002 PCB: Swaying to the rhythm of flexibility, these PCBs offer the freedom to bend or twist. Ideal for applications where the rigid notes fall short, and flexibility takes the lead.

Rigid-Flex Sonata – Rigid-Flex RT/duroid 6002 PCB: Striking a chord between structure and flexibility, these PCBs seamlessly blend rigid and flexible sections. A composition perfect for applications demanding the delicate balance of both characteristics.

Frequency Opus – High-Frequency RT/duroid 6002 PCB: Fine-tuned for the highest frequencies, certain types within the RT/duroid 6002 family are optimized to perform at their peak in extremely high-frequency circuits.

Bespoke Symphony – Customized Configurations: A canvas for creativity, manufacturers offer customization options, allowing the tailoring of RT/duroid 6002 PCBs to precise design requirements – from size and shape to layer configurations.

In the grand orchestration of choices, each type becomes a note in the symphony of electronic circuits, with RT/duroid 6002 PCB playing the conductor, orchestrating the perfect composition for diverse applications.

RT/duroid 6002 PCB
RT/duroid 6002 PCB

How is RT/duroid 6002 PCB Related to IC Packaging?

RT/duroid 6002 PCB and IC packaging are entwined in a partnership defined by the material’s proficiency in handling high-frequency intricacies and ensuring steadfast performance in integrated circuits. Here’s an exploration of this interconnected relationship:

Crafted for High-Frequency Finesse: RT/duroid 6002 PCB is meticulously crafted to navigate the challenges of high-frequency environments, establishing itself as a prime candidate for IC packaging where the precise transmission of signals is paramount.

Preserving Signal Purity: The material’s low dielectric constant and minimal loss tangent work harmoniously to preserve the purity of signals during transmission. In the realm of IC packaging, this becomes a critical attribute to prevent any compromise in signal integrity.

Specially Suited for RF and Microwave ICs: Tailored to meet the unique demands of RF and microwave applications, RT/duroid 6002 PCBs find a natural alignment with the intricate packaging needs of these specialized integrated circuits.

Navigating Miniaturization Challenges: As electronic devices embark on a journey of miniaturization, the choice of PCB material becomes a key determinant in IC packaging. RT/duroid 6002’s stellar performance and stability position it as a fitting solution for the demands of compact and densely packed ICs.

Customization Tailored to IC Variances: The flexibility of RT/duroid 6002 PCBs extends to customization, allowing it to adapt to the diverse requirements of different ICs. This includes adjustments in layer configurations, thickness, and dimensions, presenting a canvas for tailored IC packaging designs.

Efficient Thermal Choreography: Effective heat management is a dance in IC packaging, and RT/duroid 6002 gracefully contributes with its thermal stability. This quality addresses the intricate thermal considerations inherent in integrated circuits.

Reliability as a Pillar: The longevity and consistent performance of integrated circuits hinge on the reliability of the chosen PCB material. RT/duroid 6002, with its reliability factor, stands as a stalwart companion in the realm of IC packaging.

In essence, RT/duroid 6002 PCB and IC packaging engage in a symbiotic dance, where the material’s adeptness in high-frequency nuances, adaptability to miniaturization trends, customization capabilities, thermal stability, and unwavering reliability form the choreography for a robust substrate supporting the intricacies of integrated circuits.

What Sets RT/duroid 6002 PCB Apart from Traditional PCBs?

RT/duroid 6002 PCB emerges as a trailblazer, setting itself apart from traditional PCBs through a constellation of distinguishing features tailored for high-frequency applications. Here’s a nuanced exploration of what makes it stand out:

Whispering Low Dielectric Constant: RT/duroid 6002 PCB whispers with a low dielectric constant, a silent yet powerful attribute that minimizes signal loss in high-frequency circuits. Traditional PCBs may not carry the same hushed elegance in this regard.

Tango of Low Loss Tangent: Performing a dance of minimalism, the material showcases a low loss tangent, gracefully reducing signal attenuation. In the intricate choreography of high-frequency applications, this dance partner is not always matched by traditional PCBs.

Elevation of Signal Integrity: The symphony of low dielectric constant and low loss tangent in RT/duroid 6002 orchestrates an elevation of signal integrity. This virtuoso performance is pivotal for ensuring the reliability of signal transmission in high-frequency circuits, setting it apart from the more traditional notes in the PCB symphony.

RF and Microwave Artistry: RT/duroid 6002 steps onto the stage with a specialized role, designed for the artistry of radio frequency (RF) and microwave applications. Its electrical properties are finely tuned, creating a masterpiece that may not be replicated by some traditional PCBs.

Steadfast Performance Overture: The overture of performance from RT/duroid 6002 PCBs is characterized by stability and reliability over time. This enduring reliability becomes a defining feature, outshining the performance of certain traditional PCB materials.

Harmony with High-Frequency Trends: As the crescendo of high-frequency electronics echoes through the industry, RT/duroid 6002 PCB harmonizes seamlessly with these trends. Its adaptability to the demands of increasingly higher frequencies becomes a distinguishing trait, not always shared by traditional counterparts.

Customization Sonata: RT/duroid 6002 PCBs perform a sonata of customization, allowing tailored adjustments to meet the unique requirements of diverse applications. This level of customization may surpass the more rigid offerings of some traditional PCB materials.

In essence, RT/duroid 6002 PCB emerges not just as a conductor in the orchestra of high-frequency electronics but as a virtuoso performer, bringing forth a symphony of low dielectric elegance, signal integrity precision, and adaptability that sets it apart from the traditional melodies of PCB materials.

What Constitutes the Main Structure and Production Technologies of RT/duroid 6002 PCB?

The structural composition of an RT/duroid 6002 PCB unfolds as a layered symphony, orchestrated with precision for high-frequency applications. Here’s a glimpse into the key elements and the dance of production technologies involved:

Stratified Harmony: RT/duroid 6002 PCBs take shape as multilayered canvases, where layers of RT/duroid 6002 material form the foundation. These layers, akin to musical notes, are meticulously arranged to create a cohesive and efficient structure.

RT/duroid 6002 Maestro Material: The core material, RT/duroid 6002, steps onto the stage as the maestro. A PTFE-based composite, it carries the inherent qualities of a low dielectric constant and low loss tangent, perfectly tuned for the intricacies of high-frequency applications.

Copper Crescendo: Thin layers of copper foil join the performance, adhering to the surfaces of RT/duroid 6002. These copper foils, etched into circuit patterns, conduct the electrical symphony with finesse.

Dielectric Interludes: Between the layers of RT/duroid 6002, dielectric material weaves interludes. This material acts as a buffer, preventing interference between the conductive layers and preserving the purity of the electronic notes.

Adhesive Ensemble: The layers unite in an adhesive ensemble, bonded together with high-temperature adhesives. This bonding ensures structural integrity, akin to the seamless collaboration of instruments in an orchestra.

Photolithography Choreography: The dance of circuit patterns commences through photolithography. A photoresist material takes the lead, exposed to UV light, and elegantly developed to reveal the circuit traces that will carry the electronic melody.

Etching Rhythm: The exposed copper undergoes an etching rhythm, where excess material is gracefully removed. This process sculpts the circuit traces, defining the pathways that connect the various components on the PCB.

Plating Crescendo and Surface Finish Sonata: A plating crescendo may follow, enhancing the thickness of selected conductive areas. The surface finish adds the finishing notes, protecting the exposed copper and enhancing solderability.

Drilling Interlude: Holes are drilled, punctuating the composition for component placement and interconnecting different layers. These holes, when plated, create vias that facilitate harmonious electrical connections between layers.

Final Inspection Finale: The completed PCB takes center stage for a final inspection finale. Every detail is scrutinized to ensure the masterpiece aligns with design specifications and attains the high standards of performance.

The production technologies of RT/duroid 6002 PCB are akin to a symphony conductor directing a performance, where each element plays a crucial role in creating a harmonious and reliable substrate for high-frequency applications.

FAQs about RT/duroid 6002 PCB

What characterizes RT/duroid 6002 PCB?

RT/duroid 6002 PCB stands as a maestro of high-frequency orchestration, employing RT/duroid 6002 material as its artistic medium. Crafted for efficiency, it boasts a low dielectric constant and low loss tangent, creating a symphony of seamless signal transmission.

What defines the essence of RT/duroid 6002 material?

RT/duroid 6002 material, a virtuoso in its own right, captivates with high thermal stability, a gentle dielectric whisper, and a loss tangent ballet. Tailored for the realms of RF and microwave circuits, it paints a canvas of reliability.

How does RT/duroid 6002 PCB diverge from the traditional PCB landscape?

RT/duroid 6002 PCB distinguishes itself through a dance of contrasts – a low dielectric serenade and a tangent waltz. In the world of high-frequency artistry, it outshines traditional PCBs, crafting a unique space for itself.

Where does RT/duroid 6002 PCB find its stage?

RT/duroid 6002 PCB takes the spotlight in high-frequency theatres, gracing applications in telecommunications, aerospace dramas, radar performances, and other arenas where the dance of signals at high frequencies takes center stage.

Can RT/duroid 6002 PCB dance to specific tunes?

Absolutely! RT/duroid 6002 PCB is a flexible dancer, twirling to the rhythm of customization. It can be tailored to the specific notes of size, shape, layer arrangements, and other bespoke requirements.

What’s the choreography of the RT/duroid 6002 PCB production process?

The production process is a ballet of precision, weaving together layers of RT/duroid 6002 material, copper foils, and dielectric interludes. It involves the delicate steps of circuit patterning, etching, plating, drilling, and a grand finale of inspection for quality assurance.

Does RT/duroid 6002 PCB fit into the world of miniaturization?

Indeed, RT/duroid 6002 PCB is not a stranger to the dance of miniaturization. Its high-frequency prowess and stability make it an adept partner in the waltz of shrinking electronic landscapes.

How does RT/duroid 6002 PCB contribute to the melody of signal integrity?

RT/duroid 6002 PCB harmonizes the melody by playing the notes of a low dielectric serenade and a low loss tangent symphony. This duet minimizes signal distortions, ensuring a clear and reliable transmission of signals.

What’s the thermal ballet in RT/duroid 6002 PCB?

RT/duroid 6002 PCB gracefully pirouettes through thermal considerations with its high thermal stability. It’s a dance of effective heat dissipation, ensuring the temperature choreography aligns with the needs of electronic devices.

Where can one discover the performance of RT/duroid 6002 PCBs tailored to specific applications?

Seek the virtuosos of RT/duroid 6002 PCBs among specialized manufacturers and suppliers. Engage in a symphony of collaboration to discuss your unique application, and let the customization overture begin.


In conclusion, RT/duroid 6002 PCB emerges as a virtuoso in the realm of high-frequency applications, offering a symphony of features that set it apart from traditional PCBs. With its low dielectric constant, low loss tangent, and specialized design for RF and microwave circuits, RT/duroid 6002 PCB stands as a reliable and efficient substrate for signal transmission. The manufacturing process unfolds as a choreography of precision, creating a multilayered masterpiece with copper foils, dielectric interludes, and a dance of circuit patterning. Its adaptability to miniaturization trends and customization options further enhance its appeal in the evolving landscape of electronics.

As the conductor orchestrates the production process, the final composition is a robust and stable PCB, ready to take the stage in applications ranging from telecommunications to aerospace. RT/duroid 6002 PCB not only contributes to the dance of signal integrity but also addresses thermal considerations with its high thermal stability. The FAQs provide a glimpse into the intricacies of this high-frequency performer, answering queries about its properties, applications, customization possibilities, and more.

In essence, RT/duroid 6002 PCB is not just a component; it’s a maestro, leading the ensemble of electronic components in a harmonious symphony of high-frequency excellence. Its role extends beyond being a mere substrate; it is a performer that adapts to the evolving demands of the electronics industry, creating a resonant melody of reliability and efficiency. Whether on the stage of telecommunications, aerospace, or other high-frequency arenas, RT/duroid 6002 PCB takes its place as a key player, contributing to the seamless transmission of signals and the advancement of electronic technologies.

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